
christmas magic and a box of puffs.

Christmas Magic this year was so incredibly awesome (despite my horrible allergies)--I'm still trying to catch up from it!  During the weeks leading up to Christmas Magic, I felt my self getting sick with that lovely allergy/sinus/stuffy nose stuff.  I kept thinking, 'please don't let me get sick until after Christmas Magic, please don't let me get sick...'  Sure enough, the Monday before set-up, I had it-BAD.  I ended up getting a Z-Pack from the Doctor, and thankfully it started helping me feel better.

Loading the trailer, in between boxes of kleenex, I started to feel like a happy Grinch-mainly because of my colorful trees that were stuffed in the back of the trailer.  

Wouldn't you feel like a happy Grinch, too?

Unloading the trailer at MPEC has always been quite the task, mainly because you have to drive over curbs and across sidewalks to get to the doors that are closest to my booth.  I was SO proud of myself this year though-I backed up the trailer without any help-AND it was straight and perfectly lined up with the entrance doors.  So I took a picture as evidence.  

Y'all have all heard me say it before, but I'll say it again: no one ever thinks that I'll be able to fit all of my cute things into my booth.  And by no one, I mean mostly everyone except friends and family who know that I just tend to make massive messes before things look put together.  

the chaos.
In fact, one of the security guards who was walking around during set-up commented that he was really impressed I fit it all in the booth.  Thank you, kind sir.

the greatness.

love love love these ornaments!  
One of my favorite ornaments that I personalized over the weekend was one of the new 'we're expecting' ornaments.  This excited woman and her husband recently found out they were expecting their first child--so we of course had to get an ornament to commemorate this special occasion!

This is the front, with the stork & banner that says 'We're Expecting'
and how cute is the back!?!?  ....arriving March 2013!  Congratulations!!

I am so incredibly grateful for all of the wonderful customers, old and new, who took the time to stop by my booth!  Especially for putting up with my many boxes of kleenex...sorry about that...  

The teal tree is always a huge hit

These candles are fabulous!

flameless, run on batteries, AND they have a timer!

personalized ornaments....great gifts!

Casserole carriers-perfect for all of those holiday parties!

hooooooooo likes owl ornaments :)
Cupcake bath bombs and sugar scrubs are the best!

Reese loves these 'bone' ornaments!

Thank you again to everyone who came to see us, and to all of the people who helped make my booth such a wonderful success!  


the sawdust has settled.

I can't believe it's already September!  Obviously, I haven't been doing a very good job at updating this thing, but I'm on the road to changing that.  The construction here has finally come to a completed stop, and things are getting organized and on schedule again.  If you weren't able to come in before or during the construction, you really missed out-dust was everywhere, the a/c was in & out, and hammers and drills were going non-stop!  

For my expansion, I acquired the space next to my current space-the dilemmas though, included different wall textures, colors, a room I didn't need or want, and adding bead board to make the spaces cohesive.  

So here was the space before:

who chose these colors-ew.

are you amazed at how close the fan is to the wall?? 
the room on the right HAD to go.  notice how the texture on the back wall doesn't match?

this is the front-again, different texture.

inside the room we didn't need-oh hey, different texture.

As soon as we possibly could, we started tearing down the walls-thanks to a really great collaboration with M. Lynne Designs and G. Sweatt Company, construction moved along smoothly and without a hitch.

no more door!

bye bye wall!

look at her go!

almost there!

it already looks better!
Once the wall was down, we were able to really focus on the transition from new to old.  Not ever wanting to do the standard thing, I opted for arches instead of square doorways.  And they look pretty darn good, thank you :).

The guys who cut these out were awesome! 
look at all this space! 

Remember how I said sawdust was everywhere?  This was why.   The arches that I wanted were a little messy.

doesn't it already look better?

the arches

the texture guys-they were so fast, and didn't make a mess!

say 'goodbye' to bad texture!

The really fun part was adding the bead board around the perimeter.  I don't know how many hours total it took to measure, cut, nail, and paint, but the end result was worth it!  (in my opinion anyway...my painter may have a different one...)

all of my customers were so understanding with the mess!  thanks y'all!

As most of you probably know by now, I tend to create mass chaos before I create organized spaces.  And that was definitely the case with the expansion!  Everything was literally in the center of the old part, while we painted the walls to match the new part.  So many people came in during construction, and once I got over being embarrassed about the mess, I realized that no one cared-I truly have THE best customers!!
believe it or not, this was part of the 'clean' chaos

The finished remodel is everything I could have possibly hoped for.  Not only was I able to update my lighting systems, but I now have twice the space, with twice the goodies, and twice the storage in the back-that means I FINALLY have adequate space to not only store your finished pieces, out of harms way, but I also have room to paint-which is a huge biggie for me, considering I've been painting outside for the past two years.
This is on the old side, but it looks brand new!

what do you think about the arches?  they've already received lots of compliments!

I'm so excited about all the new products I'm able to carry now!

are those cupcake bath salts and sugar scrubs?  why yes, in fact they are!

that's right, even MORE jewelry!!

hello new side, welcome to the family!

wine and entertaining

more space = more sorority!

I adore kitchen accessories.  who doesn't?

my antique stove-don't you just love it!?

get excited for new patterns in the casserole carrier and pie carriers

fabulous kitchen pottery

scarves, scarves, scarves

great raw piece, imagine all the possibilities!

fabulous cookbooks

I love this yellow piece

so many baby gifts that could be personalized

I can't tell you how excited I am about this new addition, and all the possibilities that we now have!!  I want to thank you, all of my wonderful and loyal customers, who have helped me get to this point, and who have supported me since the beginning.  I feel so blessed to be able to expand after only two years of business.  Without each and every one of you, this would not have been possible.  I look forward to many more years of growing, designing new spaces, and painting custom and original furniture masterpieces for you.  

Be sure to check back in soon, I have tons of finished pieces to show you!